Mastram full series watch online
Mastram full series watch online

The lead actor does good work but I am more impressed with the actress who plays his sweet, innocent wife. His life goes upside down when competition and opposition from the society drives him into paranoia. The story is about an aspiring writer who ends up being the anonymous mastermind, only known as Mastram, behind the locally popular porn comics. And the dialogs & ounces of audio it has is either precise or garbled, failing to keep the audience hooked with the respect to the video it accompanies. But then, when I dived into the execution, I think I'll limit to a hand shake. I have to pat Akhilesh Jaiswal in the back for coming up with such a daring venture: to talk about porn writing of the 80s/90s when there was no easy access to kinky/imaginative porn.

mastram full series watch online

The message it tries to convey is a solid one.

Mastram full series watch online